NEW Extract LUT File from
Media (.CUBE)
Added a new Export & Workflow Format: Extract LUT File from media (.CUBE).
This feature utilizes the Smart LUT Finder, already implemented in the Transcode Process, to export .CUBE LUT files from compatible cameras (ARRI and McPro24fps media), streamlining LUT management for color workflows.
UPDATE Deprecated GoPro 360 Transcoding and Conversion: Support for transcoding and converting GoPro 360 format has been deprecated.
UPDATE SCRATCH Integration Option Moved & Renamed: The "Insert files in existing SCRATCH project" option has been renamed to "SCRATCH Integration (.XML)" and moved to the newly renamed Export & Workflow Format section for better organization and workflow consistency.
ENHANCED Overall Performance & Responsiveness Improvements
Numerous optimizations have been implemented to make evrExpanse more fluid and responsive, improving user experience across all workflows.
NEW Expanded Downscale Profiles for Manual Transcoding
Added new downscale options in Manual Mode, allowing precise resolution control:
- 50% (Half of Source)
- 25% (Quarter of Source)
- 1440px Height 🖥️ QHD/WQHD
- 2160px Height 🖥️ 4K UHD/DCI
- 4320px Height 🖥️ 8K UHD/DCI
- 1280px Height 📱 Vertical HD
- 1920px Height 📱 Vertical FHD
- 3840px Height 📱 Vertical 4K UHD
- 7680px Height 📱 Vertical 8K UHD
- 858px Height 🎥 2K DCI Scope
- 1716px Height 🎥 4K DCI Scope
- 3432px Height 🎥 8K DCI Scope
These new profiles complement the existing 720px Height (HD) and 1080px Height (2K FHD/DCI) options, providing greater flexibility for various formats, including cinematic DCI scope and high-resolution vertical content.
NEW Copy Stream Audio (Passthrough) for Manual Transcoding : Added a "Copy Stream Audio" option in the Audio Format section, available in Manual Transcoding Mode. This allows direct passthrough of the original audio without re-encoding, preserving lossless audio quality and significantly improving processing speed when no audio modifications are required.
UPDATE Enhanced Performance for Offloading.
Optimized bandwidth saturation during file transfers, significantly improving transfer times, especially for batches of small-sized files in high-bandwidth environments. This update ensures faster and more efficient Offloading, even with demanding workflows.
FIXED Export Metadata Performance in Trial Mode.
Resolved an issue where the Export Metadata process in Trial mode was limited to sequential execution, failing to reflect the actual performance of the full version. This fix ensures a more accurate trial experience.
NEW NEW ARRI Camera Support for Smart LUT Finder.
Smart LUT Finder now supports ARRI camera files in .mov and .mxf formats (ProRes). For cameras using LogC3, the appropriate LUT can be extracted directly from the file's metadata, streamlining the color grading process.
- Supported ARRI Cameras:
FIXED Smart LUT Finder Extraction for McPro24fps : Resolved an issue where Smart LUT Finder was unable to extract the LUT file from McPro24fps media files. This fix ensures proper detection and application of embedded LUTs.
NEW Custom FFmpeg Binary Support: Added the ability to replace the default FFmpeg binaries provided with the application by linking another compatible version through the Preferences panel.
UPDATE Streamlined Workflow Navigation : After closing the process summary popup, users are now redirected to the main window, ready to start another process, instead of being sent back to the startup screen.
UPDATE Improved Error Reporting : Introduced more robust error codes to provide clearer diagnostics when a process fails, improving troubleshooting and user feedback.
FIXED Resolved Incorrect
Processed File Count in Offload:
Fixed an issue in the Offload process where
the number of processed files was incorrectly reported if the
destination folder was located within the source folder.
FIXED Metadata Extraction for Sony Camera Files: Fixed an issue that occurred when processing multiple Sony camera files with the same file name, where certain metadata tags were not correctly extracted.
NEW Added Support for Exporting Final Cut Pro FCPXML v1.13
evrExpanse now supports exporting projects using Final Cut Pro's latest FCPXML version 1.13, ensuring full compatibility with the newest features and workflows introduced in Final Cut Pro 11.
UPDATE Enhanced Metadata Support for Kinefinity Cameras
Added support for embedded metadata from Kinefinity cameras, expanding on the previously supported sidecar file workflow. This update ensures better integration and processing of Kinefinity media files.
Fixed an issue that caused abort problems when processing a large number of files. This fix improves reliability and efficiency during bulk metadata export operations.
FIXED Resolved User Interaction Issue During Process Completion
Fixed an issue where processes completed message while the display was off or in screensaver mode (requiring a password to unlock) failed due to missing permissions to send system events.
NEW Burn-in Metadata Overlay
Added support for embedding metadata overlays into transcoded video outputs. Users can select from the following metadata options for burn-in: Timecode, Filename, Gamma Curve, Color Space, Capture & Playback Frame Rates, Camera Model, and 3D LUT (applied during transcoding). This feature enhances workflows requiring visual metadata for review and collaboration.
NEW Resolution Control Enhancements
Introduced predefined resolution options for transcoded outputs. Users can now choose from Source Resolution, 1080p, or 720p. Scaling is limited to downscaling while maintaining the original aspect ratio, ensuring no upscaling is performed for optimal quality retention.
NEW Full NAS Integration
Extended support for Network Attached Storage (NAS) systems across all processes in evrExpanse, including Export Metadata, Transcode, and Offload. This integration enables seamless access to and saving of files on NAS devices, optimizing workflows for collaborative and shared storage environments.
NEW Added support for MXF Canon C80 metadata. Supported tags include: Record Date, Timecode Start and End, Camera FPS, Average Bitrate, Video Codec, Video Bit Depth, Video Gamma, Color Spaces, Camera Maker and Type, Camera ISO, Aperture (F-number), Shutter Speed and Angle, Aperture Type, White Point, Focal Length, Sensor Area, and Camera Notes.
UPDATE Enhanced efficiency for reading metadata from MXF Sony XDCAM, resulting in increased performance during Export Metadata and Transcoding.
FIXED Resolved an issue where DJI footage failed to transcode under specific circumstances.
UPDATE Significant performance boost when exporting metadata, up to 4x faster on Apple Silicon and 8x faster on Intel Macs, plus optimized Finder Tags extraction.
UPDATE Improved precision in extracting gamma curve metadata from Sony Alpha cameras.
FIXED Fix Gamma Notes and Color Space metadata acquisition when Sony Alpha cameras get GPS coordinates from mobile device.
NEW Full-Feature Trial in Demo License: Introducing a 15-day trial period with no limitations and with complete access to all features . After the trial period, the demo version remains available with limitations: Metadata Export is restricted to 1 file, and Transcoding is limited to 60 seconds per file.
NEW Zero-Byte File Alert: A note is now displayed in the final window for Transcode and Export Metadata processes to notify users if any zero-byte files are detected.
UPDATE Zero-Byte File Report: The zero-byte file report now includes the date, and time of the report for better tracking.
UPDATE Various optimizations for improved performance.
FIXED Resolved an issue that prevented an alert from being raised if the source folder was empty.
UPDATE Enhanced Timecode Support: Improved timecode embedding in transcoded files and streamlined export to NLEs for better workflow integration.
FIXED Fixed Metadata Embedding for Sony XDCAM: Resolved issues with embedding metadata in Sony XDCAM when using the XML sidecar file for better workflow compatibility.
NEW Apply 3D LUT: burn
3D LUT to transcoded file.
Use Sidecar LUT: Applies a LUT file from the same folder as the media file, using the same filename.
Custom LUT Folder: Uses LUT files from a user-specified folder, matching the filenames of the media files.
Apply LUT File: A single, user-defined LUT file is applied to all media files
NEW Smart LUT Finder: If no LUT file is found in the media folder, evrExpanse will first check the media file's metadata for embedded LUT information:
For Mcpro24fps, evrExpanse will extract the LUT from the media file's metadata (if available) and apply it to the transcoded file.
For Kinefinity, evrExpanse will attempt to find and use a LUT file in the media folder that matches the metadata from the media file.
NEW Custom Bit Rate for HEVC Transcoding : Allows users to specify a custom bit rate for HEVC transcoding, providing more control over the quality and size of the output files.
NEW Enhanced Final Cut Pro Integration:
Introducing a new Metadata View, featuring metadata tags that can be shared with Smart Collections.
From within Smart Collections in Final Cut Pro, you can now easily create Smart Collections based on metadata imported from evrExpanse 5. This streamlined workflow enhances organization and searchability within Final Cut Pro.
Metadata can also be searchable via the search field in the browser and in the timeline index, providing quicker access to media based on tags.
When activating the new evrExpanse 5 Metadata View, existing metadata from the previous evrExpanse metadata view will be automatically ported to the new metadata view, making it easy to use old metadata without the need for reprocessing already exported media files
UPDATE Transcoding Process:
Manual Mode Performance: Transcoding performance in Manual Mode has been increased by up to 10%, resulting in faster processing times and more efficient workflow for users who manually adjust settings.
UPDATE UI/UX Enhancements: Various improvements have been made for a more polished and user-friendly experience:
Transcode Settings: Added the new Apply
3D LUT functionality.
Metadata Embedding: Relocated to Main window under Transcode Settings for better organization..
GoPro 360 Settings: Relocated to Transcode Preferences for better organization.
Transcode Preferences: Renamed several options and introduced new HEVC Bit Depth settings introduced for better control and precision.
Note for Demo Users: As of version 4.6.0, demo licenses now
require 🔑
activation to use evrExpanse.
UPDATE New Process Selection Interface: Users now select between the main processes: Metadata Export, Transcode, and Offload directly from the main process window, streamlining the workflow and reducing confusion.
UPDATE Transcoding
Mode Moved: The Transcoding Mode selection has been
moved to the Transcode Settings, providing a cleaner and more
intuitive user experience when setting transcoding
UPDATE Renaming
of Passthrough Mode: The "Passthrough"
transcoding mode has been renamed to "Rewrap" for better
UPDATE Minor UI/UX Enhancements: Various small improvements have been made to alert messages and pop-up windows for a more polished and user-friendly experience.
NEW Demo License
Activation: Starting with this release, the Demo license
must be activated to use evrExpanse.
NEW Enhanced License Activation Check: Added a validation step to ensure the license key field is not left empty during the activation process.
NEW New Buttons on Process Completion: Two new buttons have been added to the final pop-up window after process completion:
For Export and Transcode processes: A button to open the Event Log and review all recorded events.
For Offload processes: Two buttons are available—
one to open the Event Log and another to access the Transfer
Report, enabling users to review key information and all
recorded events.
The interaction with the final pop-up window has been
updated to remain active after each button is clicked,
allowing multiple selections (e.g., opening the destination
folder, accessing the Event Log) before pressing the Cancel
button to close the window.
NEW Zero-Byte File Warning: The Zero-Byte File Warning has been expanded to include the Export Metadata and Transcode processes, in addition to the existing warning in the Offload process. This crucial feature helps identify potentially corrupted media files during the workflow. A new button in the zero-byte warning window now allows users to open and review the list of zero-byte files detected in each process .
UPDATE Updated Process Stop Functionality: Enhanced the stop function for export, transcoding, and offloading tasks to ensure all remaining tasks are completed before safely shutting down the process.
UPDATE Progress Bar Update for MHL Files: Updated the progress bar to accurately reflect the creation of ASC MHL and MHL v1 files.
FIXED Resolved an issue where the check control did not properly handle cases where the source folder does not exist.
FIXED Resolved an issue where the exporting metadata process was not properly terminated when stopped.
FIXED Resolved an issue that prevented the correct storage of the last selected hash for ASC MHL files in the preferences panel, ensuring user settings are preserved across sessions.
NEW Reset Settings Button: Added a button in the Preferences panel to reset evrExpanse settings to their default values.
UPDATE License Deactivation Info: Enhanced information on the deactivation license, displaying the license key and owner email address.
NEW Support for Blackmagic Camera App:
Added comprehensive metadata support for files generated from the Blackmagic Camera App for iOS and Android. This includes shooting, recording, camera settings, color settings (including any applied LUTs), and production (slate) settings. Metadata can be exported for importing into DaVinci Resolve, Final Cut Pro, Assimilate SCRATCH, and other NLEs.
UPDATE Enhanced Metadata View for Final Cut Pro:
Improved metadata integration with Final Cut Pro to support new settings such as Camera LUT and Color Space Override, ensuring seamless workflow and accurate metadata representation.NEW Support for Blackmagic Camera App:
Added support to retain all metadata from the Blackmagic Camera App in transcoded files, ensuring that essential information is preserved throughout the workflow.
NEW Added support for exporting Final Cut Pro FCPXML v1.12.
NEW Added reporting of duplicate file names in the log file.
FIXED Fixed an issue with renaming duplicate files without an extension in the destination when their checksums differ from the source file.
FIXED Fixed an issue that prevented logging transfers sequentially in the report file.
FIXED Fixed an issue introduced in evrExpanse 4.3.0 where no proper alert was raised when selecting empty folders to transfer.
NEW Introducing automatic handling of duplicate source file names to enhance transcoding management, enabling users to prevent file overwrites and preserve unique output files, particularly when source files have identical names
FIXED Fixed an issue that prevented embedding Finder Tag when it contained symbols '>' or '<'.
FIXED Fixed an issue that prevented embedding metadata when the XML sidecar file contained leading whitespace.
NEW Added support for Matroska file container (*.MKV).
FIXED Fixed freezes with some Panasonic GH6 files.
UPDATE Enhanced compatibility now allows the Reel Name tag to be displayed directly in Final Cut Pro for transcoded files.
NEW Added support for the Reel Number tag in DaVinci Resolve.
FIXED Fixed issue preventing metadata import into Davinci Resolve when filenames or paths contained Unicode or special characters.
UPDATE Enhanced strict character set encoding rules for CSV file metadata in DaVinci Resolve version 18.6.5.
FIXED Addressed an issue that caused decreased transfer speeds under specific conditions.
NEW Added support for transcoding to HEVC (H.265) codec in Manual mode.
Three quality options available:
High: Provides high-quality transcoding suitable for broadcast.
Medium: Offers moderate quality transcoding.
Low: Provides lower quality transcoding suitable for faster transfer or reduced file size.
UPDATE Faster file transcoding speeds: Experience a speed boost of up to +20%/+30% due to significant engine optimizations.
UPDATE Swift metadata exporting: Benefit from X3 to X4 faster metadata exporting speeds, courtesy of substantial engine enhancements.
NEW Multicore Efficiency: The enhanced Metadata Export engine intelligently utilize multicore processing, resulting in improved performance on both Intel-based and Apple Silicon Macs. The level of utilization can be set using the CPU threads option.
NEW Extract embedded technical LUT .cube file from McPro24fps media files.
NEW Extract Lens Type tag from McPro24fps media files.
NEW Added support for exporting Final Cut Pro FCPXML v1.11.
FIXED Resolved an issue where FCPXML failed to load when special and Unicode characters were detected.
NEW Efficient Multicore Utilization: Customize the level of utilization by adjusting the CPU threads option.
UPDATE Enhanced zero-byte files detection and report.
UPDATE Enhanced User Interface (UI): Simplified user experience for easier access to all functions.
UPDATE Enhanced User Control: The CPU threads option has been relocated to General Preferences, allowing users to regulate CPU threads utilization (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%) for Metadata Export, Transcoding, and Offload processes.
UPDATE Improved Progress Details: Now displays both processed and selected files, with enhanced accuracy in Estimated Remaining Time.
NEW Added an alerts for 0-byte source media files, highlighting potential corruption.
NEW Added a button in alert window to view and manage 0-byte files directly in Finder for improved file organization.
UPDATE Optimized Transfer Engine: The Offload function has undergone significant optimization, resulting in accelerated file transfer speeds.
NEW Multicore Utilization: The enhanced transfer engine intelligently utilizes multicore processing, enhancing performance on both Intel-based and Apple Silicon Macs.
FIXED Fixed an issue that previously prevented folder replication when dealing with empty folders.
NEW Added a verification for Full Disk Access permission in evrExpanse; required for optimal functionality in specific scenarios.
UPDATE Enhanced Progress Details: new progress indicators, including percentage, time elapsed, and estimated time remaining.
UPDATE Enhanced Progress Details: new progress indicators, including percentage, time elapsed, and time remaining.
NEW Added a new option "Preserve Source Folder Structure" to maintain your project's original folder structure during transcoding.
NEW Reintroduced enhanced MHL v1. Users can now seal processed folders with either ASC MHL or the legacy MHL v1.
NEW Added a global event log file: This file aggregates all events from each process executed on the host machine.
NEW Added a 'Event Log' button: Selecting this button allows access to the application's global event log file.
UPDATE Enhanced the UI to support MHL v1, Event Log and Offload process.
UPDATE Simplified Installation: evrExpanse no longer requires Python 3 or the ASC MHL module as prerequisites. The application is now self-contained, streamlining the installation process and reducing external dependencies.
FIXED Fixed a bug that prevented the generation of ASC MHL files when no other export format was selected.
FIXED Fixed GUI graphical alignment issues under macOS Ventura, ensuring proper label positioning for improved user experience.
NEW Added support for Nikon
RAW (.NEV) files. Even though DaVinci Resolve supports Nikon
RAW processing, the metadata of the media file is not
recognized. With this update, users can import and view the
metadata in the metadata view window of DaVinci Resolve,
providing a more comprehensive editing experience.
UPDATE Enhanced Gamma Notes tag for Nikon cameras: Now, the corresponding Picture Profile style is recognized with the version number (e.g., N-Log-v0302).
UPDATE Improved handling of the Camera FPS tag for Z-Cam cameras: When recording in slow motion, the metadata engine algorithm now accurately detects and records the correct acquisition frame rate (FPS).
UPDATE Enhanced Camera Notes tags for Z-Cam cameras: Focus Distance Image Plane (FDIP)
UPDATE Improved handling of the Camera FPS tag for Fuijfilm and Nikon cameras: When recording in slow motion, the metadata engine algorithm now accurately detects and records the correct acquisition frame rate (FPS).
UPDATE Improved handling of the Camera FPS tag for Sony Alpha, Sony XDCAM and Panasonic cameras: When recording in slow motion, the metadata engine algorithm now accurately detects and records the correct acquisition frame rate (FPS).
UPDATE Enhanced Camera Notes tag with additional metadata fields: Image Stabilizer (IS), Actual Focal Length (AFL), Focus Distance Image Plane (FDIP), Electrical Extender Magnification (EEM), Auto Focus Sensing Area Setting (AFSAS).
NEW Added metadata tags for Sony Alpha cameras: Shutter Angle, Focal Length (35mm equivalent), Camera Aperture Type, Camera Notes (IS, AFL, FDIP, EEM, AFSAS), Sensor Area Captured, White Point Kelvin (Enhanced) and LUT used.
NEW Added metadata tags for Sony XDCAM cameras, including: Camera Aperture Type (Enhanced), Shutter Angle (Enhanced), Camera Notes (IS, AFL, FDIP, EEM, AFSAS), LUT used, Focal Length-35mm equivalent (Enhanced), and White Point Kelvin (Enhanced).
UPDATE Enhanced metadata tags for Panasonic cameras: Camera Notes (IS, AFL).
UPDATE Enhanced metadata tags for Nikon and Canon cameras: Camera Notes (IS, AFL, FDIP).
UPDATE Enhanced metadata tags for Fujifilm cameras: Camera Notes (IS).
UPDATE Enabled the export of Sony Real Time Metadata (RTMD) for Sony XDCAM cameras.
NEW Added support for Canon C70 MXF files, including Camera Serial Number, Camera Firmware, and Lens Type metadata when the XML sidecar file is present.
UPDATE Supported metadata tags are now available during Metadata Export and Transcode Master File processes.
NEW Added support for new licenses: Final Cut Pro license, DaVinci Resolve license and FCP-DVR Combo license.
UPDATE Revised GUI: The graphical user interface (GUI) has been updated with modifications aimed at enhancing clarity and improving comprehension.
UPDATE Updated Warnings and Alert Messages: The warnings and alert messages within the application have been reviewed and revised.
FIXED Fixed Preferences Saving Bug: Previously, there was a bug that prevented the application from saving user preferences during the first-ever run.
NEW Added a new feature in the Preference panel: License Deactivation Button to easily deactivate your license with just a click.
NEW Added a new feature in the Preference panel: The User Manual Button to access our comprehensive User Manual with a single click.
UPDATE The UI text of certain options in the preferences panel has been revised to provide improved clarity and comprehension.
NEW Added support for embedding Rating Metadata from Nikon Cameras.
NEW Added an option that allows the preservation of the source file name in the transcoded file.
UPDATE Enhanced Camera Notes Tag: Incorporation of Rating Metadata from Nikon Cameras.
NEW Added support for embedding Rating Metadata from Panasonic Cameras.
NEW Added support for embedding Rating Metadata from Canon Cameras.
UPDATE Enhanced Camera Notes Tag: Incorporation of Rating Metadata from Panasonic Cameras.
UPDATE Enhanced Camera Notes Tag: Incorporation of Rating Metadata from Canon Cameras.
NEW Improved Integration with Final Cut Pro: Rating Metadata now populates the built-in property "Notes" in Final Cut Pro upon FCPXML file import.
NEW Streamlined workflow: Transcode and Metadata Export are now combined into a single, seamless process, simplifying your tasks and eliminating the need for multiple steps.
NEW Enhanced efficiency: Transcode Plus optimizes your workflow by reducing fragmented tasks, ensuring a more efficient and streamlined transcoding experience.
NEW Added option to rotate transcoded files based on source metadata.
UPDATE Removed limitation on the number of files in the demo version while maintaining the 60-second duration limitation, allowing users to upload multiple files for processing.
UPDATE Enhanced Camera Notes tag: Video Levels metadata has been incorporated into the existing Camera Notes tag.
NEW Added support for DaVinci Resolve 18.5's new "Shutter Speed" and "Shutter Angle" metadata options, in addition to the previous version's "Shutter" metadata.
UPDATE 10% faster processing compared to the previous version.
UPDATE 75% faster processing compared to the previous version.
NEW Added support for embedding Panasonic Lumix S5 mkII metadata.
NEW Added support for Panasonic Lumix S5 mkII.
NEW Added Withe Balance Color Correction tag.
UPDATE Enhanced White Point Kelvin tag to now show Kelvin and WB preset if available.
NEW Added support for embedding Canon EOS R6 mkII and EOS R7 metadata.
NEW Added support for Canon EOS R6 mkII and EOS R7.
UPDATE Improved Canon EOS metadata extraction for gamma and color space.
NEW Added support for embedding ARRI MXF metadata.
NEW Added ARRI MXF metadata support.
UPDATE Improved Canon EOS metadata extraction for shutter speed and exposure mode.
UPDATE Improved Sony XDCAM ProRes metadata extraction.
UPDATE Improved handling of selected folders if there are special characters in their names.
FIXED Fixed a bug which was preventing the application from corrctly writing TimeCode metadata under certain circumstances.
FIXED Fixed a bug which was preventing the application from correctly reading TimeCode under certain circumstances.
UPDATE Enabling the ASC MHL integration is now a minimum requirement for Metadata Export.
NEW Added integration with Assimilate SCRATCH.
NEW Added ASC MHL creation.
NEW Added Final Cut Pro (FCPXML v1.9/v1.10) export
NEW Added integration with Assimilate SCRATCH.
NEW Added ASC MHL creation.
NEW Added support for ARRI camera (*.mov only)
FIXED Fixed bug on Apple Silicon Mac when transcoding GoPro Raw .360 files.
FIXED Fixed bug on Apple Silicon Mac when exporting audio tracks for DPX and EXR.
FIXED Fixed bug on Apple Silicon Mac when converting video stream levels.
NEW Added support for transcoding GoPro Raw .360 files.
UPDATE Improved export of audio tracks for DPX and EXR transcoding.
UPDATE Improved Camera Format metadata export.
UPDATE The Camera FPS metadata for Kinefinity cameras now reflects the Sensor FPS setting instead of the Project FPS setting.
NEW Added transcoding to DPX video codec profiles.
NEW Added transcoding to OpenEXR video codec profiles.
NEW Added support for 32-bit float point audio PCM.
NEW Added support for Panasonic Lumix GH6.
NEW Added Gamma Notes metadata for Panasonic MOV files.
NEW Added Gamma Notes metadata for Nikon cameras.
FIXED Fix Gamma Notes and Color Space metadata acquisition when Sony Alpha cameras get GPS coordinates from mobile device.
NEW Added support for alpha channel in ProRes 4444 and 4444 XQ
NEW Added CineForm RGB 4:4:4 - 12-bit profile
UPDATE Improved Full/Video data level management
NEW Added an option to create Media Hash List file (MHL) with MD5 checksum
UPDATE Added support for Python 3 (user need to upgrade if not yet done)
UPDATE Improved transcoding Master Files performance
NEW Added warnings checks
UPDATE Improved performance in embedding Master files metadata
FIXED Fixed an issue on CPU load balancing on Apple M1 Silicon
NEW Added bypass embedding of Master metadata
UPDATE Changed transcoded file name in [SourceFileName]_evrE_[CodecName]_[UserText].mov
NEW Added user text box input for transcoded file name.
NEW Added option for transcoding YUV uncompressed file in Smart mode.
NEW Added option for transcoding CineForm/DNxHR file in Smart mode (Final Cut Pro friendly)
NEW Added hardware support for ProRes transcoding.
NEW Added transcoding to CineForm.
NEW Added transcoding to DNxHR.
NEW Added transcoding to Apple ProRes.
NEW Added Smart Transcoding and Passthrough modes.
NEW Added Final Cut Pro friendly option for Smart Transcoding mode.
NEW Added copying process of camera metadata to the transcoded media.
NEW Added copying process of Finder Tags to the transcoded media.
NEW Added support for Apple iPhone
NEW Added support for FiLMIC PRO
NEW Added Camera Position tag for camera rotation angle
NEW Added Sony Real Time Metadata export (csv)
NEW Added Support for Apple Silicon Macs (Universal Apps)
NEW Added configuration window
NEW Added license management
NEW Added Location tag in DaVinci Resolve export for GPS position.
NEW Added support for Unicode symbols and special characters.
NEW Added support for McPro24fps android video camera app.
NEW Added comma (,) support in file name and folders
NEW Support for new Kinefinity slate file name.
NEW Export EXIF metadata, macOS Finder Tags and Color Tags to DaVinci Resolve.
NEW Export EXIF metadata to Assimilate SCRATCH.
NEW Export EXIF metadata to Avid Media Composer.
NEW Export EXIF metadata and macOS Finder Tags to Silverstack.
NEW Bult-in ExifTool and MediaInfo
NEW Fully Apple certified and notarized.
NEW Ability to self-check, download & install updates.
NEW Supported camera: Panasonic, Nikon, Sony Alpha, Fujifilm, Canon, Sony XDCAM, Z Cam, Kinefinity, Atomos (Ninja & Inferno)